At City Council Meeting No. 14/17, held on 7/12/2017, the Code of Ethics for City Council Members was approved, as follows:
Resolved: The City Council Members, by a majority vote, adopt the Code of Ethics for City Council Members as attached hereby, and will take appropriate measures to implement it, including by displaying it in the municipality building and posting it on its website (extracted from the Local Authorities Bill (Rights and Duties of City Council Members), 5774-2014 (hereinafter: the “Bill”), from which Sections 2-4 will be adopted for our purposes). The text is as follows:
2. (a) A City Council Member shall serve out of loyalty to the basic values of the State of Israel.
(b) A Council member shall perform his role as a public trustee whose duty it is to represent his constituents loyally, act responsibly, honestly and fairly, maintaining the dignity of the Council and its members, in a manner befitting his status as a Council member, and work to promote public trust in the Council.
3. (a) A City Council Member shall not engage in any business or other occupation, whether compensated or not, which adversely reflects on the integrity of the Council, the Member’s status as a Council Member, or the member’s duties as a Council Member.
(b) A City Council Member shall not use his official title in any action related to his occupation or profession.
4. A City Council Member shall not improperly take advantage of or obtain personal benefits or favors by virtue of being a City Council Member.
Resolved: The City Council Members adopt by a large majority the Code of Ethics for City Council Members (the Code of Ethics appears on the website of the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel: http://www.masham.org.il/_Uploads/dbsAttachedFiles/kod-eti.pdf). The Municipality will take appropriate measures to publish the Code of Ethics, including displaying it in the Municipality building and posting it on its website.