Department Secretary: Avigail Lami
Tel: 03-5391222/18
Fax: 03-5364910
Email: avigeil@ye-mo.org.il
The Social Services Department has moved to its new location at 14 Shiv’azi St., 5th floor, Yehud-Monosson.
Public reception hours:
Sun, Mon, Thurs: 8:00-15:00
Tues: 8:00-13:00
Wed, Fri: No public reception
The Social Services Department is a professional unit whose purpose is to provide solutions to individuals, families and the community to promote the well-being of the city’s residents – from infants to senior citizens. This is done with a unique approach to the variety of problems that arise from physical, emotional, behavioral and/or social difficulties.
The department’s staff serves diverse populations of all ages and life situations, including: youth employment, after-school care for children and teens, treatment for victims of sexual assault, volunteer opportunities, divorce mediation, financial assistance for families, support groups for women in crisis, parenting classes, activities for families with children with disabilities, programs for seniors, support for the LGBTQ community, rehabilitation services, and more.
We operate in four main ways: First, process-based work for individuals or families to address challenges and move from crisis to personal growth. Second, community work aimed at promoting mutual responsibility, working with activists and groups, strengthening community resilience and group processes. Third, providing recreational and enrichment services for seniors, children, youth and young adults with and without disabilities. Fourth, by partnering with residents and encouraging volunteerism and civic engagement.
Professional Vision:
Improve the quality of life and create positive change in the lives of individuals, families, groups and the community. Develop new and universal solutions for diverse populations according to changing needs. Advise the Mayor and City Council in the areas of human services and social services. Prepare a strategic social plan as part of the city’s policy.
As a social services department, we believe that our work is for the benefit of the residents. Therefore, we see you as an integral part of the design, management and implementation of services.
Online forms